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SYNDÉO is the Greek translation of the word connect. At SYNDÉO, we strive to facilitate connections that fuel the sharing of information.


Co-founders Gary and Chris Henshue began selling detectable warning panels, which are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on all public right of way sidewalk curb ramps, equipping curb ramps to provide a visual and physical cue for the visually impaired.

With extensive backgrounds in telecommunications, underground infrastructure, and general contracting, they soon realized they could add value to the street corner curb ramps that they worked with daily.

Smart City technologies looking for a strategically located home include; small cells, traffic signal controllers, battery backup, multi-access edge computing, autonomous vehicle nodes, sensors and beacons.

SYNDÉO - Smart City Technology

We saw cities’ curb ramps, sidewalks and terraces possessing the untapped potential to provide strategically located, secure and unobtrusive space for the deployment of Smart City technology.

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